GitHub Desktop 使用情况报告 | GitHub Desktop usage reporting
GitHub Desktop sends certain metrics to our analytics system, and we want you to understand what is being sent and why it's important to our ability to continue to improve the product and provide you with a better experience over time.
GitHub Desktop向我们的分析系统发送了某些指标,我们希望您了解正在发送的内容以及为什么这些内容对我们继续改进产品并为您提供更好的体验很重要。
Why do we need usage stats?
Our team uses metrics to prioritize our work and evaluate whether we are successful in solving real users' problems after we've released something. For example, when we released dark theme and a new guided way to merge conflicts, we wanted to understand first whether anyone was even using the new feature, and second whether it was providing value for our users.
To give a concrete example, if we release a feature that aims to improve merge conflicts, if the percentage of conflicts that are resolved successfully rises by 20%, that means our release is successful in helping people resolve conflicts more easily. Conversely, if the percentage of successfully resolved conflicts drops by 5%, we know it's time to revisit the feature and assess whether we should iterate or try a different solution. You can see an example of how we think about metrics here.
The more people who opt in to send usage stats, the more information we have to base our decision making on. And if you want us to take your use cases into consideration, we hope you'll opt in so we get a better idea of how you use the app and whether or not it's meeting your needs. If you've opted-in to submitting usage data in GitHub Desktop, GitHub Desktop will send a payload in the format below to our analytics system. We are very sensitive to the privacy of our users and we never look at the data of specific individuals, but rather only examine aggregate data and trends to inform our product decisions.
选择发送使用统计信息的人越多,我们制定决策的信息就越多。如果您希望我们考虑您的使用案例,我们希望您选择加入,以便我们更好地了解您如何使用该应用以及它是否满足您的需求。如果您选择在GitHub Desktop中提交使用数据,GitHub Desktop会将以下格式的有效负载发送到我们的分析系统。我们对用户的隐私非常敏感,我们从不查看特定个人的数据,而只是检查汇总数据和趋势,以便为我们的产品决策提供信息。
The more people who opt in to send usage stats, the more information we have to base our decision making on. And if you want us to take your use cases into consideration, we hope you'll opt in so we get a better idea of how you use the app and whether or not it's meeting your needs. If you've opted-in to submitting usage data in GitHub Desktop, GitHub Desktop will send a payload in the format below to our analytics system. We are very sensitive to the privacy of our users and we never look at the data of specific individuals, but rather only examine aggregate data and trends to inform our product decisions.
选择发送使用统计信息的人越多,我们制定决策的信息就越多。如果您希望我们考虑您的使用案例,我们希望您选择加入,以便我们更好地了解您如何使用该应用以及它是否满足您的需求。如果您选择在GitHub Desktop中提交使用数据,GitHub Desktop会将以下格式的有效负载发送到我们的分析系统。我们对用户的隐私非常敏感,我们从不查看特定个人的数据,而只是检查汇总数据和趋势,以便为我们的产品决策提供信息。
You can change your opt-in setting at any time in File | Options .
您可以随时在 File | Options 中 更改您的设置。
您可以随时在 File | Options 中 更改您的设置。
Example usage stats
"active": true,
"anyConflictsLeftOnMergeConflictsDialogDismissalCount": false,
"branchComparisons": 5,
"changesTakenToNewBranchCount": 12,
"coAuthoredCommits": 4,
"commits": 71,
"commitsToProtectedBranch": 4,
"commitsToRepositoryWithBranchProtections": 8,
"createPullRequestCount": 9,
"defaultBranchComparisons": 7,
"divergingBranchBannerDismissal": 32,
"divergingBranchBannerDisplayed": 33,
"divergingBranchBannerInfluencedMerge": 1,
"divergingBranchBannerInitatedMerge": 8,
"divergingBranchBannerInitiatedCompare": 5,
"dotComAccount": true,
"dotcomCommits": 87,
"dotcomPushCount": 5,
"dotcomForcePushCount": 1,
"enterpriseAccount": false,
"enterpriseCommits": 3,
"enterprisePushCount": 3,
"enterpriseForcePushCount": 0,
"externalPushCount": 0,
"externalForcePushCount": 0,
"errorWhenSwitchingBranchesWithUncommmittedChanges": 7,
"eventType": "usage",
"gitHubRepositoryCount": 9,
"guid": "e2245eed-b870-4bf3-88d4-cb503d49961e",
"guidedConflictedMergeCompletionCount": 1,
"loadTime": 17931.88412260355,
"mainReadyTime": 128.5540843017109,
"mergeAbortedAfterConflictsCount": 8
"mergeConflictFromExplicitMergeCount": 0,
"mergeConflictFromPullCount": 2,
"mergeConflictsDialogDismissalCount": 2,
"mergeConflictsDialogReopenedCount": 1,
"mergedWithCleanMergeHintCount": 9,
"mergedWithConflictWarningHintCount": 5,
"mergedWithLoadingHintCount": 14,
"mergeIntoCurrentBranchMenuCount": 3,
"mergesInitiatedFromComparison": 9,
"mergeSuccessAfterConflictsCount": 24,
"noActionTakenOnStashCount": 14,
"openShellCount": 14,
"osVersion": "Mac OS 10.12.6",
"partialCommits": 15,
"platform": "darwin",
"prBranchCheckouts": 8,
"pullWithDefaultSettingCount": 5,
"pullWithRebaseCount": 10,
"rebaseAbortedAfterConflictsCount": 1,
"rebaseConflictsDialogDismissalCount": 0,
"rebaseConflictsDialogReopenedCount": 0,
"rebaseCurrentBranchMenuCount": 3,
"rebaseSuccessAfterConflictsCount": 3,
"rebaseSuccessWithoutConflictsCount": 2,
"rendererReadyTime": 525.6340322580638,
"repositoryCount": 15,
"repoWithIndicatorClicked": 5,
"repoWithoutIndicatorClicked": 4,
"selectedTerminalEmulator": "Terminal",
"selectedTextEditor": "Atom",
"stashCreatedOnCurrentBranchCount": 23,
"stashDiscardCount": 9,
"stashEntriesCreatedOutsideDesktop": 12,
"stashNotViewedAfterCheckoutCount": 16,
"stashRestoreCount": 5,
"stashViewCount": 29,
"stashViewedAfterCheckoutCount": 4,
"suggestedStepOpenInExternalEditor": 0,
"suggestedStepOpenWorkingDirectory": 0,
"suggestedStepViewOnGitHub": 0,
"suggestedStepViewStash": 2,
"suggestedStepPublishRepository": 0,
"suggestedStepPublishBranch": 0,
"suggestedStepCreatePullRequest": 0,
"theme": "light",
"timeToFirstAddedRepository": 332,
"timeToFirstClonedRepository": 290,
"timeToFirstCommit": 1485,
"timeToFirstCreatedRepository": 320,
"timeToFirstGitHubPush": 1495,
"timeToFirstNonDefaultBranchCheckout": 1464,
"timeToWelcomeWizardTerminated": 51,
"unattributedCommits": 0,
"unguidedConflictedMergeCompletionCount": 1,
"updateFromDefaultBranchMenuCount": 11,
"user_id": 359239,
"version": "0.8.1-beta3",
"welcomeWizardSignInMethod: "basic"
If you are only signed into a GitHub Enterprise account, or using Desktop with other Git hosts, the payload will contain an anoymized guid
identifier instead of user_id.如果您只是登录到GitHub Enterprise帐户,或者使用Desktop与其他Git主机,则有效负载将包含anoymized